“The Bull Boys Dinos” is the first comic book series by Bull Boys. The story tells the adventures of four children who each receive a pair of Bull Boys shoes with Dinosaurs as a gift for their seventh birthday. In the first volume, the protagonists are suddenly catapulted back in time to the Jurassic Period. Will they be able to save the dinosaurs from extinction? And what would happen if each of them brought a specimen home, into the world of today? The Author, Attilio Attilieni, is the president and founder of Bull Boys.
- Issue: Volume 1 (September 2023)
- Title: The Bull Boys Dinos
- Author: Attilio Attilieni
- Illustrator: Vissia Galli
- Contributor: Pino Marchi
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Bull Boys, the iconic Italian children's footwear brand, was born in 1993 in Tuscany. Bull Boys products are tailor-made for children, in the name of quality. The production process is demanding and meticulous: all the components and materials that make up a Bull Boys shoe are carefully selected and subsequently tested, in order to comply with the highest international quality standards.